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       发布日期:2016-10-13     浏览次数:


  报告题目1: Engineering of Cell Signaling - How we can access to disease cells?

  报告人:    片山 佳树 (Yoshiki Katayama) 教授(日本九州大学)

  报告时间: 2016年10月17日(周一) 下午2:30

  报告地点: 动科楼一楼南107报告厅


  报告题目2: Improvement of Blood Circulation Time of Liposome by Coating with Serum Albumin via Ligand

  报告人:    佐藤 ひかり (Sato Hikari) 博士生(日本九州大学)

  报告时间: 2016年10月17日(周一) 下午3:30

  报告地点: 动科楼一楼南107报告厅



  Professor Katayama received his B.Sc. degree under the supervision of Prof. Hisao Takeshita from Kagoshima University in 1982, and his PhD degree of engineering under the supervision of Prof. Makoto Takagi from Kyushu University in 1987. Then He joined Dojindo Laboratories Inc. in 1987 to 1996 as a senior researcher, and also was a vidsiting researcher in National Institute for Medical Research of London from 1989 to 1991. As a senior researcher in the company, he commercialized some molecular probes for cellular research, various reagents for the research on biological nitric oxide-related fields. After that he became an associate prof. at Kyushu University in 1996. Then, he was promoted to professor of Kyushu University in 2002. He is now also a director of Innovation Center of Medical Redox Navigation and vice-dean of Graduate School of System Life Sciences in Kyushu University.

  The research in laboratory of Professor Katayamas focuses on the development of new materials or molecular systems for Biomedical fields such as diagnostics, medicine or drug discovery. He and his group developed some gene regulation polymers that can respond to intracellular signaling and created some disease cell-specific systems for gene therapy and bio-imaging. He received an award of creative research from Chemical Society Japan in 2016 for those establishments. He also developed some peptide-microarrays to evaluate cellular kinome for novel tool of drug discovery. Very recently, his group has started to create some materials for regulation of immune systems on novel concept. He is now eager to establish a new research field to fill in the deep valley between basic life science and clinical medicine.

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